
B o s s

Monday, April 15, 2013 • 0 comments

Just a picture, it mean nothing. Hello people. I'm back. Huh in January, i'm hurt. February, i'm broken. March, i'm 50% okay. April, i think my life would get better. But i'm wrong. I'm broken again, all broken. Why must people act like they like me, treat me well like i'm his girlfriend and then them leaving me? They make me wanna put high expectations on them, and then they act like i'm not exist. Hey, i've got heart too. They never think about me. Selfish. If you don't like me, can you just go away from me? Enough is enough. Don't play with my feelings. I'm not a doll. I'm a human. Don't you realize it? :( Ugh. 2 peolpe, in one month at the same time. 2 times my heart was broken in April. Seriously, i'm easy to put my hope on a boy, care too much and easy to love them. Ergh fuck. I was not like this before. I've changed. Since i just broke up with my ex last month, i've changed a lot. Azlina told me "Kau dah berubah sejak kau dengan fimie" haih. Last year, i'm not easy to love people but easy to move on. Easy to forget people. Hard to trust people. But this year, i've changed. Once again, changed. Everything has changed. I don't know what the hell is wrong with me...em i'm tired and exhausted. Tired with everything. I'm tired to fall in love again. Seriously, i'm give up. Too much hurt. Nobody knows me. Nobody knows my life. Nobody understand me. Friend? Sometimes they understand me, but sometimes they didn't. However i love my friends too. I'm very thankful to have friends like what i've now. They always cheer me up when nobody else could. They make me laughing like crazy people and make me forget all my problem. They make me feels better. Dearself, friend is more important than a love. Yes, i have to remember that. The first, my family then bestfriend. 

Love them.

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